One Ball to Unite Them All – Politics of the FIFA World Cup

“Football brings us together in one single team and we are united by our affection for this spectacular, vibrant, uncompromising game. Players of these teams have a great degree of

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The Pacifying Flows of Virtual Water

In 1995, Ismail Serageldin, vice-president of the World Bank remarked that “if the wars of this century were fought over oil, the wars of the next century will be fought

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The Curious Tale of the Houbara: Birds and Middle Eastern power politics

The Houbara is a species of endangered ground bird the size of a turkey that lives in the deserts of Central Asia and the Arabian Peninsula. At first glance, it’s

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How Truckers’ Protest Brings Change to Brazilian Politics

In Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, life is standing still. Since over a week, the main highway is blocked by countless trucks. Hundreds of uniform-looking school busses drive past, horns

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1984 Is Now – How China Keeps Track of Its 1.4 Billion Citizens

If you had to award your public behavior a (Dutch) grade: which one would it be? Do you always pay your rent and tuition fees on time, are you involved

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Libya Does Not Come to Rest – Announced Elections in 2018 Will Not Solve the Crisis

For decades, Libya’s politics only had one face: that of Muammar al-Gaddafi, a military colonel, who had seized power in the late 60s and had since then clung onto that

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Bellingcat and Social Media: How to Become an Armchair Journalist

This article was inspired by a presentation given by Christiaan Triebert, a former member of this editorial staff, during Clio’s annual conference on Tuesday, May 8th. For decades, investigative journalism

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Nice, new and smart missiles?

Three weeks ago, we watched as Trump, May and Macron announced their plan to attack Syria in a response to an apparent chemical attack. They each made passionate speeches where

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Hezbollah’s Footprints in Latin America – How the Wars on Drugs and Terror Coincide

The Tri-Border Area (TBA) of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina is the breeding ground of a peculiar partnership, which intertwines two of the most complex conflicts of this century: the wars

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Will These Bullets Alter Brazil’s Future?

Cars were driving on one of Rio de Janeiro’s busy main streets. It was a regular day until one car pulled up to another. Nine shots rang. Four found their

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