Jesus returns… to Groningen?

The Second Coming of Christ is upon us!  So claim the newly-placed billboards around the centre of Groningen, advertising the return of the historic award-winning rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar

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United by Music, Divided Elsewhere: how this years’ Eurovision Song Contest was perhaps the most controversial ever.

While the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), who is in charge of organising the Eurovision Song Contest, tried, the booing was just too loud to filter out. During two occasions this

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Pacifism, Community, Esperanto- one man’s dream for world peace

If you’ve ever delved into the world of language learning, then you may have heard of Esperanto. Frequently characterised and ridiculed as the ‘most useless language’, it is estimated to

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The Legacy of Alexei Navalny: His Fight for Freedom Remains Alive Within the People

“By killing Alexei, Putin killed half of me, half of my heart and half of my soul. But I still have the other half, and it tells me that I

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Space Nazis? The problematic use of Nazism in sci-fi media

An alarming trend seems to be taking shape in general science fiction media. Nazis are increasingly normalised as the antagonists in various fantasy and sci-fi settings. Ever since their defeat

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Record Rainfall in California: A Lethal Cocktail with El Niño and Climate Change

As California faces an unprecedented wave of floods, experts point to the powerful combination of El Niño and the looming spectre of climate change. The Golden State, renowned for its

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Self-Declared Alpha Males Will Destroy Us All: The Dangerous Rise of Hypermasculinity in Social Media

The rise of hypermasculinity has taken over social media in the last years, with “alpha-male” podcasts and “mentors” like Andrew Tate propagating traditional (yet harmful) male traits to millions of

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“His moral and spiritual tradition has disintegrated, and he is now paying the price for this break-up in worldwide disorientation and dissociation.” It was 1964 when Philosopher Carl Jung published

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Are MNCs the new architects of destiny? US’s Willow Project highlights corporations’ (over)importance in our international economic system

We have been told on many occasions to save the planet, to substitute fossil fuels for renewable energy sources, to stop contaminating and recycle as a means to not drive

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Did You See the TikTok about Macron?

Do we need to be fluent in memes to keep up with political discourse? Cheese, bread and food in general – the French might be experts in cuisine but what

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