Turkey: A Brief Analysis

What is going on in Turkey? I mean, what is actually going on? Our newspapers have been filled with stories of specific events: fragmented but somehow related. Yet, a holistic

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Fighter for Humanity

There is an endless war in the Middle East. Soldiers, whether paid or not, professionally trained or freedom fighters, are risking their lives on the bloody battlefield to fight the

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Model UN Explores Challenge of Change

From 13th to 19th July 2015, university students from around the world gathered in The Hague for the annual conference of The European International Model United Nations. Now in its

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London: A Tale of Tower Blocks & Ghost Towns.

As inequality continues to skyrocket unabatedly, we should all take a look at what is happening within our cities and towns. London, a true playground for the rich, has recently

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Connectivity as a Human Right

2013 Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, launched a bold mission. His vision is to provide connection to the internet to the five billion people all over the world, who do not

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BOOK REVIEW: Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley

The autobiography of Malcom X, first Malcolm Little and later El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, can best be described as a tale of a life completely turned around. A Negro which was

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