The Consequences of Xi Jinping’s Draconian COVID Policies

This reality of a neo-Maoist autocratic state may however be decaying right before his eyes as protests across the country have ensued as a result of his zero COVID policies.

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“My Dreams Are Locked In Cages”

“Woman, Life, Freedom” – The Protests In Iran We have all heard of the demonstrations for more women’s rights going on in Iran at the moment. But after the first

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Beyond the Tax Intifada: Understanding the Meaning of the Lebanon Protests

After eight days of persistent protests, which brought Lebanon to a standstill, it was about time that the country’s president finally addressed the demonstrators in a televised broadcast. Yesterday, Michel

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What’s happening in Pakistan?

On Sunday night, the law minister of Pakistan, Zahid Hamid, was forced to resign after days of protests in the nation’s capital, Islamabad.  But how and why did this forced

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Why a Beheading in Saudi Arabia Threatens the Whole Middle East

Written by André Harris Beheadings are not uncommon in Saudi Arabia – but one carried out this week has the potential to destabilise the whole Middle East. Sheikh Nimr Baqr

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The Real Crisis in Ukraine

With the conflict in Eastern Ukraine simmering on for more than a year now, global public attention has largely moved on to other theaters of conflict. From a strategic perspective

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