Finally, a vaccine! – And now?

After a year of terrible losses, great abandonment, loneliness, and overall hardship for many people around the world, there finally seemed to be a glimmer of hope on the 8th

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Life after IR: Charles Drapers

Charles Drapers graduated from the IRIO programme at the University of Groningen in February 1990, which makes him the second IRIO graduate ever. After his graduation, he moved to Hong

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How Airbnb supports the violation of human rights

In 2018, the well-known rent company Airbnb promised not to rent accommodations in illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian territory any more. However, in April this year it withdrew this promise

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The non-state side of IR: Can multinational corporations turn palm oil sustainable?

“No, I don’t use that product because it contains palm oil, which is not environmentally friendly.” Most of us will have said or heard some variation of this sentence at

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We Need to Talk About Climate Migrants and We Need to Talk About Them Now.

As Climate Change intensifies, Climate Migrants become more of a terrifying reality. Already crippled by the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus, Guatemala and other Central American countries are facing

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Unpacking the EU cookie policy

We are constantly disrupted and interfered by it, luring into our searches, and claiming a few centimetres of our screens. Indeed, we have reached a time where not only bakers

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Presidential Pardon – What to Expect from the End of Trump’s Presidential Term

This Tuesday, November 24th, President Donald Trump of the United States pardoned one of the presidential turkeys, a Thanksgiving tradition already practiced

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Analysis: Is it ethically justified to have children?

We are all aware that ice caps are melting, rainforests are being felled or burned down, and the ozone layer is depleting. The number of conflicts in the world is

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The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership: The Largest Regional Trade Deal Ever Signed

Asia-pacific countries have recently formed the largest trading bloc in the world, constituting a total of 2.2 billion people with a combined GDP of $26.2 trillion. The Trade deal named

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Trans Day of Remembrance: A Reminder of Resilience Against Violence.

On the 20th of November, we remember and honor our Trans and gender-diverse people that were taken by violence. On a daily basis, transgender people fight for the validation of

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