Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy – And how it might be a way to make the world a bit better

In many countries around the world, the demand for gender equality is growing and feminist ideas are being discussed in a number of contexts. While this is crucial, especially in

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Civil war on the rise?

Everyone is busy with the American elections, but at the same time an old conflict has flared up. So much that even the American government had time to dedicate a

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Realist IR Theory: Back in Vogue?

It has been years now since you finished school and sadly, it has also been years since much of what was learnt within those walls you have no longer used.

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Common Agricultural…Fraud? Why the European Common Agricultural Policy needs improvement

We all need it, we all benefit from it, yet when asked to pay 5 cents more for our milk at the supermarket, we are quick to forget about it:

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The Populist Conservative Government of Poland: How the Government forms a Threat to Human Rights

On Thursday Poland’s highest court ruled that allowing the abortion of malformed fetus was incompatible with the constitution. This ruling provoked an outcry from civil rights groups in and outside

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A Study of Pressure and Time: Polemic Surrounding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Nears an Uneasy Resolution

When Morgan Freeman’s character in the iconic 1994 movie The Shawshank Redemption pondered about the study of pressure and time, he likened the gradual but mighty power of geology to

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Historic Malawi Presidential Election: the Death or Protection of Democracy?

On Tuesday 23rd 2020, Malawi held a historic re-run of their May 2019 elections. Malawi, like many of its African counterparts, have consistently experienced barriers in the way of establishing

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Continued Poking: The Next Chapter in the Border Conflict between India and China

On the 29th of May 2020, an article was published on the Checks & Balances website showing a narrative of the border conflict between India and the People’s Republic of

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Hong Kong Protests: Still Defiant a Year Later

Almost a year ago, protests against a Chinese bill allowing criminal suspects to be extradited from the Hong Kong territory to Chinese territory escalated, leading to a period of political

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The Fear Factor: Driving Cooperation Forward?

In the realm of international relations, few policy decisions are made on grounds other than fear. Indeed, as the neorealist Kenneth Waltz argues, “alliances are made by states that have

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